Sunday 20 January 2013

The weekend

I got too busy to post yesterday, so I'll just post for the weekend.  It went pretty well, having the two kids was not too bad.  They mostly kept each other busy, so that was good.  I tried to stick to a bit of a meal plan, but adapted to suit what I think is okay.  I did actually have toast for breakfast both days, but without butter.  I think that I should just take bread out of my diet, because it tends to be a trigger for me. I had a really strong craving last night for toast with peanut butter and nutella, so I think just the thought of having bread in the house is enough to set me off.  But, I was able to stay strong and not give in, just had a couple of mints instead.  I'd really like to weigh myself this weekend, I am having a hard time resisting buying new batteries for my scale.  I had asked the dietician about my weight, but we decided that it probably wouldn't be safe for me.  I told her the only thing she could tell me about my weight is that it is going down (even if it isn't), so I guess that's not what they want to promote.  Darn.  Feeling really fat these days, so I think I will start working out again. I can't decide if I want to work out at the gym, or at home.  I have a set of DVDs that I quite like, it's dance cardio and pilates, so it's good for toning without bulking up.  The dance moves are pretty cheesy though, so I feel pretty ridiculous doing it sometimes. So I'd probably just go do that at home, but then it will be late, so I don't know.  I think I am having some fear of judgement about the workout; because some of the moves are a little unusual, I would be worried about someone seeing what I was doing.  But, if it works, it works, and I shouldn't be worried about my boyfriend judging me for the workout I am doing.  Because I know he's not like that.  I found a body-weight workout that I could do in the mornings at Tony's house, and then do my cardio in the evenings when I get back to the house.  But then I have to get up early, and I'm usually tired at the end of the day.....I feel like I am making excuses here, so better just decided what I am going to do.

Hopefully the rest of the weekend goes well, Luc and I will be going to my parents' house for dinner, so I have to be careful not to binge on the taco chips Mum usually puts out for a snack before dinner. Maybe just bring a handful of almonds (not 50 of them!).

Back to program again tomorrow, I am trying to take the transit there now, instead of driving.  Save some money since I don't have any!

Also, I've recently updated the 'prologue' post to give a bit more detailed history, some of you may have read it before, it's been adapted from the presentation I gave back in November.

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