Wednesday 27 March 2013

March 27 (continued)

Not really sure why, but feeling really sad and depressed this afternoon.  I went for the outpatient orientation session at the Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre.  After that, I just felt so blah.  I don't know if I want to go through with these outpatient groups.  I know I probably still need them, but I feel like I am done with the eating disorder program.  Nothing helps anyway, so why even bother?

I didn't get the job that I had interviewed for yesterday, oh well, whatever.  I have another one tomorrow, so maybe that will go better.  I found out that my great aunt died yesterday, and I think that triggered a lot of grief for me.  I didn't really know her, she was 91 and in a home with bad dementia, but it's still sad.  I emailed my grandmother to express my condolences for the loss of her sister.  Cried quite a bit after that, I think obviously because it hit close to home.

I've been having slot of thoughts and doubts about the future and what I want to do career-wise.  I feel like the wellness centre that I have been thinking about really needs to be a reality, but I don't really know how feasible it is.  Plus, I probably need some more professional training to run something like that.  But I don't know that I want to be a psychologist anymore, definitely not one that works in a hospital.  I'm so sick of hearing about how many people have been let down by the mental health 'care' provided by Alberta Health Services.  It's ridiculous.  So I've been thinking maybe about going into naturopathic medicine, as it seems to align more with my beliefs and principles than standard medicine.  So I'll have to look into that.

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